Poster Session

Open Call for Poster Proposals (Abstract Submissions Closed)

We are pleased to announce the Call for Poster Abstracts for scientists and scholars working on drought-related topics. This conference aims to bring together policymakers, experts, and practitioners to explore strategies for scaling up and accelerating drought action globally, and the poster session will bring research to the discussion, too.

The primary objective of the poster session is to integrate knowledge and good practices for drought resilience by showcasing policy-relevant state-of-the-art drought science. The conference will feature various thematic workstreams addressing critical aspects of drought resilience in the context of global change. The scientific posters aim to present the latest science relevant for these topics, summarizing novel drought research of the last ten years, thus bringing the science close to the policy context. 

We invite contributions that summarize the outcomes of projects or research activities, emphasizing results and their implications for enhancing resilience. We especially encourage a clear connection to the topics of the policy workstreams (insert link to the program page) of the Drought Resilience +10 meeting.

Poster presenters can opt for either on-site or on-paper presentation.

For on-paper presentation, posters can be submitted for printing (printing fee applies) and displayed at the conference venue, without the authors being present. An invitation to contact the authors can be added to the poster.

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