Poster Session

The primary objective of the poster session is to integrate knowledge and good practices for drought resilience by showcasing policy-relevant state-of-the-art drought science. The conference will feature various thematic workstreams addressing critical aspects of drought resilience in the context of global change. The scientific posters aim to present the latest science relevant for these topics, summarising novel drought research of the last ten years, thus bringing the science close to the policy context.

We invite contributions that bring together the outcomes of projects or research activities, emphasising results and their implications for enhancing resilience.

The deadline for poster abstract submission is June 26th 2024, 12:00 CET.

Poster presenters can opt for either on-site or on-paper presentation.

  • For on-paper presentation, posters can be submitted for printing (printing fee applies) and displayed at the conference venue, without the authors being present. An invitation to contact the authors can be added to the poster.
  • Alternatively, authors can choose on-site presentations, bringing their own posters to the conference. The authors then have the opportunity to join the policy discussions or the IAHS “Drought in the Anthropocene” research network workshop that is a side event.

Travel funding options are available for participants from the Global South upon request. The information on the participation fee will be confirmed later.

Submission Form:

We encourage researchers and scholars across disciplines to contribute to this important dialogue on drought resilience +10. Together, we can advance our understanding and collective response to drought challenges in the Anthropocene era.

Guidelines for poster abstract submission

  1. Abstracts should summarise the work of a project or research group (rather than individual research), focusing on results and their relevance for enhancing drought resilience (rather than research ideas).
  2. Abstracts should be both scientific and policy-relevant, resembling a science for policy brief rather than an academic publication. The policy message and the practical implications should be emphasised.
  3. Abstracts can be max 2000 characters (1000 characters about results, 1000 characters about relevance for resilience building)
  4. Indicate whether the submission has regional or global relevance.
  5. Abstracts should be linked to one of the nine workstreams of the Drought Resilience +10 Conference. Please specify the relevant workstream(s) your work contributes to most from the following options:
  • Complexity of drought resilience under global change
  • Drought resilience and global mechanisms
  • Drought risk governance
  • Drought impact monitoring, assessment, and forecasting
  • Drought risk management policies into action
  • Ecosystems and drought
  • Social inclusion, climate justice, and drought
  • Drought and health
  • Drought risk finance
  • Public private-civil society partnerships for integrated drought risk management
  • Implementation challenges
  • Other (please specify)

Indicate live presence or print-out poster with contact details preference.

By submitting this form, you give access to the conference organisers to store your email address till the end of the conference, October 3th.

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