Advisory and Management Committee meetings 2018
Meeting Report
Meeting Materials
- Overview of Activities
- IDMP HelpDesk
- IDMP Central and Eastern Europe
- IDMP Horn of Africa
- IDMP West Africa
- IDMP in South Asia – South Asia Drought Monitoring System
- IDMP in South America
- IDMP in the Pacific Islands
- IDMP Benefits of Action & Costs of Inaction of drought mitigation and preparedness
- Proposed IDMP Research Center
- UNCCD Drought Initiative & WASAG Working Group on Drought Preparedness
- UNISDR GAR19-Drought Risk Chapter
- Global Multi-Hazard Alert System (GMAS)
- 17th Session of WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
- Global Drought Information System
- Marketplace: Askbill, the Australian Livestock industry
- Marketplace: Mexican Institute of Water Technology
- Marketplace: World Water Atlas
- Marketplace: Water, Peace and Security