Towards a world where everyone is resilient to drought
Our vision is a world in which everyone is resilient to drought. This is a huge and urgent challenge. Given the acceleration of climate change, the coming years must bring IDM to the required scale as fast as possible.
There is a strong need to consolidate partners at the global level and connect efforts and knowledge between the global support and the regional, national, and subnational implementation of IDM.
IDMP is based on the notion of translating global support into action and practice on the ground. The programme therefore aims to play a leading role in scaling up IDM by supporting the implementation of integrated and sustained drought management policies and structures, providing relevant guidance on IDM and increasing the capacity of stakeholders, and strengthening collaboration and dialogue within the global drought community. Hence, the strategy of IDMP for the next three years builds on three goals to:
For each of these three goals, the strategy describes specific
activity areas to initiate the urgently needed scaling up of
IDM efforts towards a future where everyone is prepared for drought. Subsequently, it explains how IDMP must develop to achieve these goals by enhancing its resilience and effectiveness through strong partnerships, good governance, and measuring performance to facilitate learning and improve the financial sustainability of the programme.
For each activity, a metric of success is suggested, which can help IDMP and its partners track progress. The section on programme implementation outlines actions on how IDMP plans to deliver these goals through its regional programmes, HelpDesk, and the TSU.