Advisory and Management Committee meetings 2016
Meeting Report and Annexes
- Meeting report of the Advisory and Management Committees meetings 2016
- Activity Report 2015-2016 and Activity Plan 2016-2017
- Overview of Activities
- IDMP Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE)
- IDMP Horn of Africa (IDMP HOA)
- IDMP West Africa (IDMP WAF)
- IDMP in South Asia – South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)
- IDMP in South America and the Pacific
- Building U.S. national capabilities for long-term drought resilience: The National Drought Resilience Partnership
- Planning tools for floods and drought events in a transboundary setting
- CAgM Expert Team 3.1 Update
- IDM HelpDesk
- Cost-Benefit of drought emergency vs drought risk management
- Growing emphasis on insurance systems
- IDMP Strategic Directions
- IDMP Marketplace: Corredor Seco Centroamericano
- IDMP Marketplace: Queensland Drought Mitigation Centre