Flood and drought management project for Volta Basin
The Adaptation Fund Board has endorsed the USD 7.92 million regional proposal entitled “Integrating Flood and Drought management and early warning for climate change adaptation in the Volta Basin.” The project proposal is based on the strategies promoted by the Associated Programme on Flood Management and Integrated Drought Management Programme (view on WMO webpage). The Volta Basin Authority (VBA), the Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA) and the Adaptation Fund (AF) organized the project inception workshop that marks its official launch on 25 and 26 June 2019 at Hôtel Nouvelle Pergola in Marcory, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Media coverage of the project launch:
Water – Volta Basin countries reflect on integrated management, by Linfodrome, 24 June 2019
Flood and Drought management: The Volta Basin Authority launches a project, by Fratmat, 9 July 2019
The Volta Basin Authority launches a project on flood and drought management, by L’Expression, 25 June 2019
IDMP-WAF supports national drought plan development in Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger
The IDMP West Africa, in collaboration with partners, organised multi-stakeholder consultations in Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger. These meetings enabled stakeholders to provide technical contributions to the development of national drought plans and share technical expertise and experiences from national, regional and global perspectives. Learn more
The regional programme of the IDMP in West Africa (IDMP WAF) based at GWP West Africa is currently being developed to increase the capacity and ability to manage droughts in the region by working in partnership with key drought management institutions and stakeholders in the region building on the network of the Country Water Partnerships.
Information Materials
- IDMP WA Regional Plan
- Launch of the IDMP in West Africa (in French)
- Presentation sheets of country pilot projects in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger (in French)
- Concept Note of the Training of Trainers scheduled on 4-8 April 2016 (in French)
- Factsheets on demonstration projects in Burkina Faso (English and French), Mali (English and French) and Niger (English and French)
- Analysis of Plans, Strategies and Synthesis of Reviews of Initiatives in the Field of Drought: Cases of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger (in English)
- Video: Understanding and Contributing to Integrated drought management in West Africa (watch the short version or long version)
- Videos: Pilot actions in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger
- Activities of IDMP WAF in Mali: review of drought management initiatives and planning for interventions (in French)
- Regional meeting for the evaluation of activities conducted in 2015 and planning for 2016, 8-10 December 2015 in Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso: Concept Note, Report, List of Participants (in French)
- “PROGIS-AO : L’heure du bilan des actions de 2016”, by Burkina Demain, 14 December 2016
- “Elaboration de manuel de gestion de la sécheresse au Sahel : Le processus marque un grand bond à Kaya”, by Burkina Demain, 4 August 2016
- “Gestion de la sécheresse au Burkina : Création d’une plateforme d’échange d’informations”, by Burkina Demain, 20 July 2016
- “Gestion de la sécheresse: Vers la mise en place d’une plate-forme régionale d’échange d’informations”, by Burkina Demain, 19 June 2016
- “Gestion des risques liés à la sécheresse : Des formateurs ouest-africains se mettent au diapason”, by Burkina Demain, 2 May 2016
- Facebook post on the regional meeting for the evaluation of activities conducted in 2015 and planning for 2016 (in French), by GWP Afrique de l’Ouest – GWP-AO, 10 December 2015
- “Gestion intégrée de la sécheresse : Des acteurs du PROGIS-AO font leur bilan”, by Burkina Demain, 8 December 2015
- “L’Afrique de l’ouest évalue le Projet de Gestion Intégrée de la Sécheresse”, by Notre Nation, 8 December 2015
- “Gestion intégrée de la sècheresse en Afrique de l’ouest : Ouagadougou abritera la rencontre bilan du 8 au 10 décembre 2015”, by Notre Nation, 1 December 2015
Find out more about the Regional IDMP for West Africa (IDMP WAF).