Temperature Condition Index (TCI)

Temperature Condition Index (TCI)


Index name: Temperature Condition Index (TCI).

Ease of use: Green.

Origins: Developed from work done by Kogan with NOAA in the United States.

Characteristics: Using AVHRR thermal bands, TCI is used to determine stress on vegetation caused by temperatures and excessive wetness. Conditions are estimated relative to the maximum and minimum temperatures and modified to reflect different vegetation responses to temperature.

Input parameters: AVHRR satellite data.

Applications: Used in conjunction with NDVI and the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) for drought assessment of vegetation in situations where agricultural impacts are the primary concern.

Strengths: High resolution and good spatial coverage.

Weaknesses: Potential for cloud contamination as well as a short period of record.

Resources: Methodology and calculations are provided in the literature and online resources of products are available at the NOAA STAR – Global Vegetation Health Products webpage.

Reference: Kogan, F.N., 1995: Application of vegetation index and brightness temperature for drought detection. Advances in Space Research, 15(11): 91–100. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(95)00079-T. (For more information on this paper, please contact the IDMP HelpDesk).

Currently used by: Iran.

36 Responses

  1. In VCI calculation the average minimum ndvi value goes very low which directly effect on VCI . Due to of low value, after applying formula the index goes above 100 which is out of range , then how should we find out average minimum ndvi in Google earth engine

    1. Dear Avadhut:
      To calculate the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) in Google Earth Engine (GEE) while addressing issues where the average minimum NDVI is unusually low (causing the VCI to exceed the expected range of 0–100), you can apply some modifications or constraints to ensure valid outputs. You can for example mask invalid NDVI values under a certain thesshold like NDVI <0. A more elegant way might be to smooth the time series using the GEE tools for that. Or you could adjust the very low values based on historical values. We hope that helped to solve the issue.

      Kind regards,
      Your TSU

    1. Dear Manjeet Singh,
      Thank you very much for your request. Yes, for example the SPEI can be calculated only using precipitation and temperature. The SPEI is designed to account for both the supply of water (precipitation) and the demand for water (evapotranspiration). The evapotranspiration can be calculated in several ways using different parameter like temperature, wind, humidity. The Thornthwaite method uses only temperature to estimate the potential evapotranspiration. So we suggest you use that method.

      Kind regards,
      Your TSU

  2. Do you think it’s possible to use the temperature condition index (TCI) as a proxy of soil moisture ?
    It has been used widely for vegetation thermal stress but I was wondering how can it differentiate soil moisture thermal stress from vegetation thermal stress?

  3. When do we have a drought? If TCI approaches to 0 or approaches to 100? And what’s the relationship between TCI and VCI? (Direct relationship or Reverse relationship)?

  4. How can we classify drought by Temperature Condition Index (TCI)?
    And what relationship has beetwen TCI and VCI ?

  5. Please I want to know if I can calculate TCI and LAI form Landsat 8 data set?

    More so, can I use Arcgis 10.7 to produce a map showing a particular plant growth (rice) in Nigeria?

  6. Dear Suganya Balasubramanian

    The following datasets have global coverage.

    VHI, TCI, VCI and LST are indices derived from satellite data. Open source data sets can be found here: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/emb/vci/VH/vh_ftp.php..

    SPI and SWI depend on precipitation data and groundwater level data, respectively. If you have this data from ground based stations, you can use the following tool to calculate both indices: https://drought.unl.edu/droughtmonitoring/SPI/SPIProgram.aspx.

    For the SPI there are also several satellite derived precipitation datasets openly available, for example this one: https://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/maproom/Global/Precipitation/SPI.html#tabs-2.

    Best regards
    IDMP team

    1. Thank you very much. May i ask if its possible to average TCI for the wettest and driest seasons in a decade to produce a map showing average TCI for a decade.

    2. Dear Oshnek Mupepi

      Please find below an answer to your question from one of our IDMP partners:

      TCI is based on 10.3-11.3 um radiance measurements converted to brightness temperature (BT). The TCI for each pixel and 8-day period is calculated using current and historical land surface temperature data values, i.e.,

      TCI(k) =(LST(k)max − LST(k))/(LST(k)max − LST(k)min)

      where LST(k) is the current land surface temperature at each pixel, and LST(k) min and LST(k) max are the historical minimum and maximum LST values of the kth 8-day period at each pixel, respectively.
      The TCI value range is 0–100. TCI is a proxy for “thermal” condition. If we can use for drought monitoring, (0 driest and 100 wettest). The average values for the wettest and driest seasons are based on regions.
      Please check the following publication (https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/8/902) for TCI average range of HOA (page 7). You also find other drought index average ranges in this paper too.

      Best regards
      IDMP team

    1. Dear Kachi

      Thank you for your comment. The scope of this section of the Integrated Drought Management Programme website is to provide technical support on drought monitoring and early warning, trade is not included.

      Best regards
      IDMP team

  7. I am doing projectusing MODIS image having spatial resolution 250m and temporal resolution 16 days and Can i get direct TCI having resolution of 250m of a country nepal?

    1. Please see the following response from the IDMP Support Based Partner from the George Mason University (GMU) in the USA.
      One cannot get TCI at 250m resolution, one only can get VCI at 250m resolution with MODIS 16-day NDVI products.

      TCI is originally designed with brightness temperature of NOAA AVHRR channel 4 (the TIR channel around 11micron) (https://www.droughtmanagement.info/temperature-condition-index-tci/).

      For MODIS, the corresponding channel is band 31, with a spatial resolution of 1km (not 250m, MODIS has 36 spectral channels, only channels 1 and 2 have spatial resolution at 250m) (https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/specifications.php) .

      For MODIS data, if calculate TCI with brightness temperature, have to start with MODIS L1B data products (MOD02), it’s quite complicated. However, can try to use the daily or 8-day gridded land surface temperature products (MOD11) to calculate TCI, the spatial resolution is 1km.

      MODIS gridded land products are organized by tiles with SIN map project (https://modis-land.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODLAND_grid.html) . To get TCI (or VCI or VHI) for a specific area, need to download MODIS data tiles covering the area. For Nepal, need 4 tiles (h24v05, h24v06, h25v05, h25v06), then mosaic and resample to the data.

  8. thank you for your best contribution !!! but i can not get the accesses specialy TCI as much as possible send by PDF

    1. The TCI files are quite large. I am not sure we can process the data. Please be specific on which areas and dates you need.
      We will check for some other sources that might have a summary or a an easier way to get the information.

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