
ADBAsian Development Bank
AFEDArab Forum for Environment and Development
BROOKINGSBrookings Institution (private, nonprofit research)
CARECARE International (Humanitarian Organization)
Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research
C2ESCenter for Climate and Energy Solutions
CCAPSClimate Change and African Political Stability
CCCCommittee on Climate Change
CGIARConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CLCFCentre for Low Carbon Futures
Climate Commission
COINClimate Outreach and Information Network
DFID Department for International Development
DWCDialogue on Water and Climate
EMGUnited Nations Environment Management Group
EASACEuropean Academies Science Advisory Council
ESTCEnvironmental Science and Technology Center
FAFOFagbevaegelsens Forsknings Organisation (Norway)
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FMECDFederal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)
GECAFSGlobal Environmental Change and Food Systems
GEFGlobal Environmental Facility
GIZDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GMUGeorge Mason University
GovAustrGovernment Australia
GovIndiaGovernment India
GovUKGovernment United Kingdom
gtzDeutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
GWPGlobal Water Partnership
GWP SAGlobal Water Partnership South Asia
IDNDRInternational Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (Secretariat)
IEGIndependent Evaluation Group, World Bank
IFASInternational Fund for Saving the Aral Sea
IFPRIInternational Food Policy Research Institute
IFRCInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IIEDInternational Institute for Environment and Development
ILOInternational Labour Organization
IRI International Research Insitute for Climate and Society
IRWIslamic Relief Worldwide
IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
MetSerDepartment of Meteorological Services, Malawi
MunichREMunich Re Group (reinsurance)
NCCARFNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (Australia)
NDMCNational Drought Mitigation Center (USA)
NECSINew England Complex Systems Institute
NIDMNational Institute of Disaster Management (India)
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
NOREFNorwegian Peacebuilding Research Centre
ODIOverseas Development Institute (UK)
OXFAMOxfam International (worldwide development organization)
RIASCORegional Inter-Agency Standing Committee
RICECLIMASustaining Rice Production under Climate Change in Bangladesh
SDCSwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative
SIWIStockholm International Water Institute
StahlKerstin Stahl (author), University of Freiburg
TEARFUNDTearfund (C94UK Christian relief and development agency)
THELANCETThe Lancet (medical journal)
UFUtviklingsfondet/The Developmentfund (Norway)
UNCCDUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNDPUnited Nations Development Programme
UNDP/UNSOUnited Nations Development Programme, Office to Combat Desertification
UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programme
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPAUnited Nations Population Fund
UNISDRUnited Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
UNISDR-ROASUnited Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States
UNUUnited Nations University
UNU-EHSUnited Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security
UN-WaterThe United Nations inter-agency mechanism on all freshwater related issues, including sanitation
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
WBWorld Bank
WEFWorld Economic Forum
WFPUnited Nations World Food Programme
WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
WRIWorld Resources Institute
ZOIZoï Environment Network
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