IDMP/APFM Virtual Exchange: Community-based flood and management – sharing of experience and learning for the future

Joint APFM & IDMP Virtual Exchange on

Community-based Flood and Drought Management

Wednesday, 5 June at 13:00 – 14:30 CEST.

Register here

We would like to celebrate World Environment Day 2024 together with you in a Virtual Exchange, looking closer into Community-based Flood and Drought Management.

The Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) and the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) implement activities to support self-help capacities and preparedness through training and capacity development on integrated flood and drought management approaches/strategies at the community level. Over the past years community-based flood and drought management activities have been implemented in several countries with the ultimate goal of improving flood and drought risk management including hazard and risk management, early warning systems and communication, data and information management, planning, coordination and institutional building, ecosystem services, etc.

As usual we will have a marketplace place where we invite partners to present their projects and initiatives briefly (3 minutes each). Please send a message to Ramesh Tripathi  ( and Sabina Bokal (  to suggest a contribution.

You can found out more about past Virtual Exchanges here.

Date until remove: 10/06/2024
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